Leadership Development With Bottom Line Impact

Online Rewards recently hosted a think tank and roundtable discussion about what motivates and engages people in the workplace, with mindful and creative solutions to better engage and motivate employees, while seeking to improve their overall quality of life.

Bill Koch, a renowned Certified Executive Coach, followed up Chris Malone’s discussion. Using his expertise in inspiring and guiding high performers to become highly effective organizational leaders, Koch’s session, Leadership Development With Bottom Line Impact, touched on understanding the relationship between leadership effectiveness and business performance and its importance in the workplace.

Koch, who has served as a CEO of a Fortunate 500 subsidiary, also “sits on the Investment Advisory board for a large private equity fund, and serves on two corporate boards, bringing ‘real world’ experience to the executive coaching profession.” He helped with an exploration of the best models and most powerful practices to demystify the complexities of what makes great leaders.

The inaugural REAL — Recognition, Engagement, and Leadership — event, REAL Cincinnati, explored how to help employees gain greater happiness and satisfaction from their work; how that greater happiness and satisfaction can translate to improve business outcomes; how this can be accomplished within the economic constraints of wage controls; and the current economic climate and how it impacts our thinking.